Monday, March 23, 2015

Bright Owl and That's new to me!

So I have done a Zendala dare today. I just love these. I also stumbled upon that's new to me.  I always look for ideas on how to design the tangled and tiles and Zendalas. So this was a great way to do this.
Here is the website for the new to me challenge.
Suzy Mosh

Bright Owl Dare

I used these tangles:

Organza - Ruth Howell CZT 
Omen - Gael Shepherd 
Oke - Michele Beauchamp
Opus - Maria Thomas CZT 
Onion Drops - Shasta Garcia

Have a great Day!


  1. Beautiful tile! Thanks for being part of the challenge this week!

  2. Thank You for having the challenge. I love to try new kings and push myself in my art. :)

  3. What a beautiful zendala! Great colours and so nice details in the patterns.
    Wonderful work :-)

  4. Look at this! Your mandala is SO cool. I love how organza goes around the points of the star, and you put a different tangle in each "seedling" or "plantlet" and then the colors are just perfect. Lovely!

  5. Thank You!!! It was very fun to do.
